The first three episodes of The Summer I Turned Pretty, Season 2, were released on July 14. They decided to take a unique approach by releasing the rest...
Dog Gone, one of the newest movies to hit the Netflix platform released on January 13th and has since gained a 76% on Rotten Tomatoes. Including a big-name...
The exiting class officers planned Homecoming, Winter Ball, rallies, and so much more, but now it's the spring term class officers to take over next semester,...
Excited for many more relationships to be built and making this year memorable for herself and her fellow seniors Kiera Mogensen is ready to take the position...
Lindsay Trythall has been elected for junior vice president in the spring term and can't wait to make a difference by listening to the student body and...
I know that you ran for freshman class president, what made you decide to come back and run for sophomore class president?
"When I originally ran, it...
Granite Bay’s theater group presents A Midsummer Night’s Dream as their fall play this year. They took a creative choice of changing the original time...
In the minutes running up to Tuesday, Sep. 20, after school, Granite Bay High School students quickly pulled up Cameron Salerno’s Instagram page to vote...
Before The Summer I Turned Pretty was even released in June this year it was already renewed for a second season.
With 4.2 billion views the hashtag...
Inside history teacher, Mike Valentine’s classroom, walls are lined with posters, maps and memorabilia. His iconic golf clubs sit over in the corner...
Arriving at the door of classroom 512, music greets your ears courtesy of Stephens’s new playlist for each day. Walls are covered in all kinds of artwork...