Rowan Drake is a singer and songwriter whose growing in popularity. Drake has written and sung songs such as “Elephant in the Room,” “Would You Do It Again?” and “2 People.” As a child, Drake was part of his school choir, but it wasn’t his primary focus till 11th grade after his competitive snowboarding career was ended by an accident. Drake’s music is inspire by his life experiences Rowan Drake is a young singer that is growing more popular on many platforms. Drake turns his deepest feelings into beautiful works of art that connects with his audience.
Could you explain what you do?
I create (songs) about the life that surrounds me.
What type of music do you create?
I like to leave that up for interpretation. I think defining art is a disservice to it. Everyone hears music in their own way and can label it how they would like.
Could you give some background on how you got into this profession?
Music has always been close to heart and a place of retreat for me. Combine that with a certain naivety and blind ambition and it’s sort of just become my life.
Have you been interested in singing as a child as well?
I sung a little in school choir but it’s wasn’t my primary focus until 11th grade.
What inspired you to get into this career?
I can’t quite say. It just sort of fell into place and felt right. I am just riding it out to wherever it takes me.
What are some things that inspired you to write your songs? (Any specific examples?)
My relationships and experiences with loved ones. The world around me. Strangers. My internal dialog. Other artists such as Jeff Buckley and Mazzy Star.
What themes or messages do you aim to convey through your music?
Whatever is current in my life at the time of writing.
What challenges have you faced in the music industry, and how have you overcome them?
The biggest challenge in the music industry is have found is once I grew a team around me I started to get many opinions about my art. Too much outside input can dilute the product and take away any sense of individuality that once may have existed.
How do you balance your personal life with your music career?
I don’t believe they need to be balanced. Art follows life or at least it should. I let my life lead and create from the excess.
What was your journey like from when you started to where you are now?
I would have to write a four year novel to properly answer this question. In simple terms I would say the closer I get to my dreams, the more afraid I become. I was so blind to the truth of this business when I started and that was a beautiful thing. Sometimes not knowing the inner workings is the best way to soar in it.
Who was a mentor figure who helped you come to where you are now?
So many people. My roommate and best friend kii has been a musical mentor. My dad is a mentor to me in how he carries himself and is kind to all those around him. I have met countless inspiring figures and take bits of them whenever I can.
What has the experience been like so far?
How do you keep yourself constantly motivated in this field that requires a lot of creativity and time?
I let myself fall into pits and be pulled by the currents of creativity. There is no correct way to do this. One must give in to some extent to the swings of creation. Then maybe you stand a chance.
Can you tell me about a project that you worked on that you are proudest of? (Personal project and/or work)
I am proudest of a little book I made. It’s half finished and full of photos and writings about my last love. I made it with my hands and stayed up late into the night for a few weeks and now it sits on my bedside a very cherished item.
Are there any goals that you hope to achieve in the future?
So many. To put it bluntly… stadiums. A family. A album that will remain in people’s hearts for many lifetimes beyond mine. To see the world.
Can you share any advice for aspiring singers looking to break into the industry?
A cliche but you must understand there is already a harry styles, a Billie Eilish, a Matty Healy, ect. Admire and learn from them. But you will only fill space and never leave any sort of lasting impression by being anything other than yourself. That is what makes you special. Who are you? Why should we care about what you have to say and how you see the world? Tell me. Show me. Show me you.
What are some things that you want to say to the GBHS Gazette Readers?
We are all so young. Put everything out there. Crash into the ground and realize with your face in the dirt that you are okay. The world keeps going. You can try again. There’s no use in being timid and letting life pass you by. Help others. Laugh. Love. Cry. Rejoice. Look at the stars for gods sake. Go swimming and feel the water hold you. Create. Build. This is such a beautiful existence. What a waste it would be to forget that.
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