Granite Bay High School enrolled approximately 200 new students, whose homes fall within the school attendance boundary, as late enrollees in the time...
Teachers possess the power to help students in their educational development, but they can also help students in their mental development.
Sabine Kanz, Assistant Opinions Editor February 26, 2024
It's not uncommon to hear of Granite Bay High School students taking as many AP courses as their age.
According to the US News and World Report, GBHS...
Excitement is in the air as the Granite Bay High School boys' freshman soccer team prepares to kick off their first season in nearly a decade. While this...
The lunch ladies are the heart and soul of lunch, serving up more than just meals. These amazing individuals are the unrecognized staff behind the 700...
When Granite Bay High School seniors Anna Hooglander and Sabine Kanz stood in front of their table at Club Rush, they weren’t surprised to see people...
Twenty-nine hours of painting, framing, and an ornate paper flower assembly line later, the senior “Mamma Mia” float was complete. The collaborative...