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Israeli supporters demand the safe return of 200 hostages

On October 7th, over 200 people attending a religious music festival in Israel were kidnapped by Hamas, a terrorist group from Palestine. As of today, only four hostages have been released.


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  • Darrell Steinberg, Sacramento Mayor, speaks at the rally that took place in front of the capitol building. “The mass murder, and taking of Jewish hostages is not the Palestinian cause. The indiscriminate killing of Jewish civilians was not a political statement or a fight for rights. Nothing, nothing justified what occurred in Israel in the early morning of October 7th,” Steinberg said.

  • Barry Broad, President of the Jewish Federation of Sacramento, speaks to Channel 13 (CBS) and the Granite Bay Gazette with Israeli supporters behind him.

  • ABC anchor Luke Clearly speaks to a camera as Israeli supporters holds signs demanding freedom for hostages. “Hamas is brutal. … They picked a fight with innocent people for no cause other than hatred. And they killed innocent people, including many babies,” Lisa, a Christian supporter of Israeli said.

  • Rally attendees held signs with the images and descriptions of hostages taken by the Hamas.

  • While listening to speeches, Israeli supporters held and wore the flag of Israel and the United States flag as a sign of support for Israel.

  • Rally attendees chant “Bring them home” in unison.

  • To show their support of the demand to release the 200+ hostages, signs of people who are missing or were kidnapped were held during the rally with the Israel and United States flag side by side.

  • The poster included some of the 200+ hostages taken by the Hamas. It was held up during the rally by attendees as a demand of their safe return.

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A crowd of over 200 people stood outside of the Sacramento State Capitol building in support of Israel, in demands of releasing over 200 hundred people who are being held hostage by Hamas as a result of the surprise attack on an Israeli music festival near the Gaza and Israeli border on October 7th, leading to over 1,400 deaths.

Many carried the Israeli flag, as they stood in front of the capitol building to hear speeches, prayers and songs from citizens of the community, politicians and faith leaders. Speakers included Sacramento’s own Mayor Darrell Steinberg and Eleni Kounalakis, a current Lieutenant governor of California and former United States Ambassador to Hungary. 

“On behalf of all the people of the state of California, we demand that the hostages being held by Hamas be released immediately,” Eleni Kounalakis said in a speech.

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The Hamas gunmen killed over 1,400 people on Oct. 7th, the day of the Festival of Sukkot, a Jewish holiday celebrating peace. The day has been compared to the Jewish Holocaust by many prominent figures such as the United States President, Joe Biden and Eleni Kounalakis, and has now been marked as one of the deadliest days for Jews. The terrorist attack is one of the deadliest attacks in history, falling under the 9/11 attack in 2001 and the Tikrit attack in 2014.

“As many have said, it was the day when more members of the Jewish community were killed in any other days since the Holocaust,” Kounalakis said in a speech. 

Darrell Steinberg, the second Jewish mayor of Sacramento, also spoke at the rally. 

“As Jews, as people of good faith and conscience, we will never minimize the death of all innocent people, including Palestinian people. We will never minimize any death or suffering of civilians of war in Israel and in Gaza. We want peace and calm for doing everything possible to avoid unnecessary suffering and death,” Steinberg said to the crowd. 

People attending the rallies held posters in the air with the images of missing people, and the hashtag, #KidnappedFromIsrael, under the description of the events on Oct. 7th. People attending the rally held Israeli flags as well as many other country flags that are Israeli allies, in support of the movement to free the hostages. 

“So today, we gathered to demand that the hostages be released and never be forgotten. To demand not just their release, but their immediate release. We do so for their lives and the lives of their families, for they are our families too.”

— Darrell Steinberg

Two weeks after the initial attack, two hostages, a mother, Judith Tai Raanan, and her 17 year old daughter, Natalie Raanan, were the first hostages released by Hamas on October 20. Two more women, 85 year old Yocheved Lifshitz and 79 year old Nurit Yitzhak, also known as Nurit Cooper were released three days later, further fueling the hope for more releases in the near future. 

“It’s a glimmer of hope. But it feels, to me, (that the) Hamas (are playing) another game. It’s great (that) they let two people go one day, they let two people go another day. But what about all the other people? It’s like they’re trying to bargain with the world with these people’s lives,” Berry Broad, President of the Jewish Federation of Sacramento, said to CBS and the Granite Bay Gazette.

Broad’s pregnant daughter is in Israel, and her husband was called out to duty by the military. Broad describes it as an “emotional time for our family,” and views the rally as “encouraging” by seeing “so many people rallying behind the message” to free the hostages. 

“It is amazing the number of people who are directly impacted by this, through family, through friends, through connections to people in this community… even the people that don’t have a direct relative. There’s something about this event … that touched Jewish people deeply. And they feel an extraordinary kinship to people in Israel,” Broad said.

As a finale to the rally, Jews gathered to sing the “Mourner’s Kaddish,” a hymn praising God, and is recited for the dead, led by a Jewish religious leader.

“Today, we are all one family. Those who were killed are part of us. May each of them and their memories be for a blessing,” a Jewish faith leader said. 

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About the Contributor
Rachel Guo
Rachel Guo, Co-Editor-in-Chief
Rachel is a junior and Co-Editor-in-Chief. This is her third year on the Gazette staff.

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    Free PalestineNov 14, 2023 at 9:34 am

    Free palestine

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    AnonymousNov 8, 2023 at 11:06 am

    what people dont seem to fully understand is that Hamas is trying to eradicate Jewish people as a whole. its a war of religion. of course the people and children of Gaza should not be harmed, people only seem to be focusing on the people in gaza being harmed, and not that Hamas is apart of this killing of the people of gaza. using them as literal shields. what is happening with Israel right now is not very different from what happend with the Holocaust. yet people still paint the Palestinians as the victim when innocent men, women, children, are getting kidnapped, murdered, tortured. i dont believe the people of Palestine should be hurt but they are not fully victims in this, israel is. people are using the argument of things that happend decades ago that israel did. i already know if i put my name im gonna get harassed, so im not going to.

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      Ayyoub SalemNov 14, 2023 at 9:39 am

      Hamas is not trying to eradicate anyone. They are simply trying to free their country and stop the continuous genocide that the Israeli’s are committing on them. I have been there and witnessed horrible things. I cannot even go to pray without seeing a bunch of guards harassing people everywhere. They sprayed tear gas at me and sound bombs. This is not a religious war clearly because there are christian Palestinians that hate the Israelis because of all of there war crimes. There is a church in the village where I lived. The church the Israelis bombed was called the baptist. Hamas never beheaded any babies or attacked an women. They is not proof so stop trying to bring up false evidences. I put my name cause if someone wants to find me we can have a regular debate. No one is gonna harrass anyone stop trying to victimize yourself.

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    AnonymousNov 8, 2023 at 8:59 am

  • F

    Free PalestineNov 3, 2023 at 10:37 am

    ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? Free Palestine ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

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      AnonymousNov 7, 2023 at 7:50 am

      Free Palestine from HamasIsis!

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    AnonymousNov 2, 2023 at 4:09 pm

    If anyone is interested is seeing what is actually happening her are some accounts you can follow
    On Instagram these are the people telling the story of Gaza.
    @motaz_azaiza @byplestia @noor.harazeen @wizard_bisan1 @salma_shurrab @waeleldahdouh @hamza_w_dahdooh @samarabuelouf @awny_journalist @hindkhoudary
    People to watch @mohammedelkurd
    @fababs (Abby Martin)
    @shaunking @khaledbeydoun
    @sbeih.jpg (Subhi Taha)
    @hanood7sn (Hind Hassan)

    Write a comment…

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    Ayyoub SalemOct 28, 2023 at 10:42 am

    What about the thousands of Palestinians women and children that have been murdered. It would be a disgrace to only represent the winning side. As a journalism crew you must report what ever you hear and feel is correct. I personally have been to Palestine and can tell you immediately that we did not take kill any civilians. There was a Christian hospital that was bombed killing hundreds. When I was there they threw sounds bombs at me and sprayed tear gas for no reason. Additionally, only this article got posted on instagram and not the one about Gaza. Also 50 hostages were killed from the Israeli air strikes on Gaza. If you really watch the words from the lady who got released she said she loves hamas and that they treated her nicely. Read that part of the story.

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      AnonymousOct 30, 2023 at 4:26 pm

      Challenging for you to do your homework on the facts. 1400 innocent Israelis were murdered on the most savage way on Oct 7. Women raped, babies beheaded and burned alive, tortured beyond recognition. As of today 238 hostages from over 40 countries remain in the hands of Hamas. None were killed by bombing. Then again the Red Cross has failed everyone as the HamaisIsis barbarians will not allow access. Facts are the Israel army moving in to Gaza has actual rescued one of the hostages. BTW any data coming from Hamas is unreliable. They bombed their own hospital with a misfired rocket and after it was provedn by the world the number of casualties magically dropped from 500 to 30. I lived in in Israel for more than 5 years and my father fought in 1948. Arab nations rejected UN partition plan 147 which would have created an Arab state next to a Jewish State. HamasisIsis is in business of terrorism and could not care less about the Palestinian people. The three leaders are all billionaires living in Qatar. They could have made Gaza another Singapore instead is it HamasisIsisstan. Culture of death. BTW quoting a hostage upon her release in trauma is disgusting. If you want to Free Palestine then free them from Hamas. Israel just experience 9-11 equivalent to 50000 dead. No one called for a ceasefire on Al Qaeda on 9-12. Oh and don’t forget there are almost 2 million Arab Israelis with full rights even one on its supreme court. DO your homework!

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        Ayyoub SalemNov 1, 2023 at 9:59 pm

        The Un resolution 181 would have given The State of Israel Jerusalem and Masjid Al-Aqsa. No one is going to casually give up that holy land. That was everything Salahuddin al ayyoubi fought for. The Zionists came into Palestine and waged war on us. Was we just suppose to say here you can have it. If you watch real documentaries you will see the truth. I lived in Palestine to and guess what I seen a Israeli pointing a gun to a girl no more then 7 years old. I have had tear gas sprayed on me and sound bombs thrown in the air of Al Aqsa to invoke fear. CNN was also caught faking attacks from Hamas. If you really see the other side of the spectrum there was an Israeli reporter ducking for cover and hiding behind a car when there were people visibly casually walking behind her. I personally know people whose land was taken forcefully with guns. You are going to just say that there will be peace. They are constantly stealing our land. Read about dar Jarrah. There is no footage of Hamas hurting anyone but there is indeed video proof of the attacks on the Gaza strip. I am muslim and I know it is haram to harm women and children in war. I can guarantee that they did not harm and women or children. We are not with Al Qaeda. Bring me evidence or you are just a blind follower. If you stand with Israel you stand with the killing of thousands of innocent people.

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          AnonymousNov 7, 2023 at 8:02 am

          Not a single act in your statement but that is consistent with the argument of a so called Palestinian state in ’48
          Who was the President of Palestine in 1947?
          What kind of government existed then?
          Waiting for an answer…hmm
          Partition plan would have made Jerusalem an international city for all. BTW Jordan controlled the old city of Jerusalem between 1948-1967, guess who was not allowed to pray there at their holiest site, the Jews.
          Right now all of the Free Palestne movement is about the end of Israel and killing Jews. There has never been an Arab state known as Palestine. If you go back to World War I when the British took over the region, they had their mandate for Palestine, which included Jordan. The UN approved partition plan 181 in Nov 1947 which would’ve created two states, one Jewish one Arab. The Jewish population of that time accepted the proposal the Arabs rejected it. The day after Israel declared its independence she was attacked by more than five Arab armies. They lost and as a result of that war, Palestinian refugees ended up all over the world and primarily in the West Bank and Gaza. Why wasn’t a Palestine State created between 1948 and 1967? Egypt had full control of Gaza. Jordan controlled the West Bank. The term Palestinian Arab was created by Yasser Arafat and the PLO in the early 1960s and the charter, which is now been adopted by Hamas was the destruction of the state of Israel. The Israeli government has never conducted or committed any genocide. Israel has never started a war and has been systematically attacked since her creation in 1948. The state of Israel is here to stay, the moment the Arabs accept her they will find a partner for peace. Examples exist today with Egypt and with Jordan. Israel was brutally attacked on October 7 on a scale equivalent to 50000 dead Americans on 9-11 and since then the world has gone mad. Everyone screaming from the river to the sea means there is no Israel and right now she is fighting for her survival. The Jewish people are indigenous to this land. If you’re not aware there are 2 million Israeli Arabs citizens who live inside Israel with full rights who have successfully become doctors, lawyers and even a Supreme Court judge and members of the Israeli Parliament. Gaza has been Jew free since 2005 and what have they done with all the aid that they have received since that time? the three heads of Hamas are billionaires and their people are living in squalor as all the money has gone to build a war machine underground with a goal of killing Jews. Excuse us for reminding the world that Jerusalem is our eternal capital. Murder, rape, and maiming 1500 innocent civilians, burning them alive, cutting off limbs, gouging eyes out in front of loved ones, streaming murder of ones grandmother live on a family chat room from her phone to her children on October 7 is not OK. Israeli army is going to put an end to this even if Hamas is hiding in hospitals, schools and tunnels behind their civilians.When we have a partner for peace it will come, until then Jewish blood will not be cheap.

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            Ayyoub SalemNov 30, 2023 at 12:36 pm

            There is literally no evidence of anything you said. Provide me an evidence cause I can give you multiple evidences and personal experiences of the oppression that the Zionists are commiting. We do not group all of the Jews together. It is just the Zionists that oppress the Palestinians because they feel that they are entitled to our land.

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            Ayyoub SalemDec 1, 2023 at 7:54 pm

            Why do you think many Palestinians ended up in jordan and other parts of the middle east. They were kicked out just like they did a few years ago to dar Jarrah. They went in with guns and completelty removed them. If you think that what the Zionists are right you need to do some real research about the thousands of lost Palestinians lives and the betrayal that the British committed. The Zionists came immigrated were welcomed and stabbed us in the back. Israeli army is just a bunch of cowards lying about hamas hiding in hospitals. They was no proof just like in Iraq.

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        AnonymousNov 1, 2023 at 10:26 pm

        #ceasefirenow. Bring humanitarian relief to the civilians in Gaza! I don’t believe you have all your facts right either and don’t believe you have been seeing the actual news from reporters on the ground. It’s been awful. Palestine has been dealing with this occupation for 75 years. Hamas emerged in 1987. What we are seeing now is a war crime a genocide. It’s been awful.

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    AnonymousOct 27, 2023 at 9:53 pm

    Please publish something about the occupation, illegal settlements, apartheid, and brutality that Palestinians are bearing for the last 75 years. It was their land which was illegally given to Israel and the occupation never stopped since 1948. Until the root cause is addressed, my worry is that the region would never be peaceful. We should work towards peace by condemning the root causes. Very disappointed and disturbed to see our country’s role in supporting the occupation and genocide.

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      AnonymousOct 30, 2023 at 4:34 pm

      False. Have you ever heard of UN resolution 181. British created the Palestine mandate which originally included Jordan. 1947 partition plan which would have created 2 states was rejected by the arabs who subsequently attacked Isreal May 15 1948 1 day after announcing its independence. Learn your history, if the arabs wanted peace they would have accepted the numerous offers in the 50 plus years. When they accept the presence of a Jewish state to the indigeous people of Judea and Samaria then there will be peace. BTW 1948-67 Jordan controlled the West bank and Egypt controlled Gaza they could have easily created a Palestinian state. Why didnt that happen? Who created these refugee camps and subsequent suffering. Gaza population from 1967 to today is 6x is that really genocide. World Jewish population today is equal to what it was in 1945. That is Genocide!

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        Ayyoub SalemNov 1, 2023 at 9:55 pm

        The Un resolution 181 would have given The State of Israel Jerusalem and Masjid Al-Aqsa. No one is going to casually give up that holy land. That was everything Salahuddin al ayyoubi fought for. The Zionists came into Palestine and waged war on us. Was we just suppose to say here you can have it. If you watch real documentaries you will see the truth. I lived in Palestine to and guess what I seen a Israeli pointing a gun to a girl no more then 7 years old. I have had tear gas sprayed on me and sound bombs thrown in the air of Al Aqsa to invoke fear. CNN was also caught faking attacks from Hamas. If you really see the other side of the spectrum there was an Israeli reporter ducking for cover and hiding behind a car when there were people visibly casually walking behind her. I personally know people whose land was taken forcefully with guns. You are going to just say that there will be peace. They are constantly stealing our land. Read about dar Jarrah. There is no footage of Hamas hurting anyone but there is indeed video proof of the attacks on the Gaza strip. I am muslim and I know it is haram to harm women and children in war. I can guarantee that they did not harm and women or children. Bring me evidence or you are just a blind follower. If you stand with Israel you stand with the killing of thousands of innocent people.

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    AnonymousOct 27, 2023 at 3:54 pm

    Are you also going to report on the worldwide protests in favor of freeing Palestine?
    If this is truly an independent news paper, both sides of the story should be covered. Otherwise it is biased reporting.

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      AnonymousOct 27, 2023 at 9:42 pm

      Exactly it would be extremely unfair if this magazine doesn’t post anything about the genocide that is taking place in Gaza right now. More than 7k people have died in Gaza most of whom were kids and women. We should condemn it as well. In addition, it should also be noted that Gaza is under occupation for the last 50 plus years and is called the world’s largest open prison.

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        anonymousDec 11, 2023 at 6:41 pm

        Free Palestine!!!! 100% agree
