Starting junior Nolan Stabbert (#33), played his first varsity homecoming game as a strong safety on Friday, beating rival Nevada Union 34-21 in the crowded GBHS stadium on October 21st.
After a four-game losing streak, with a bye in the first week of October, the Grizzlies defeated Nevada Union to become 2-6. It all started with the practice in the week leading up to homecoming, as the team had two contact days instead of their usual one day drill.
“I feel that the team definitely improved over last week,” Stabbert said. “Practice flowed easier, and the team felt much faster overall.”
Being his first varsity homecoming game, Stabbert felt a bit overwhelmed at the sight of the thousands of excited people in the stands. He remained focused however, and kept his emotions in check for the highly anticipated game.
“I felt nervous when we were going out onto the field,” Stabbert said. “But I was excited for the opportunity to play with my teammates, and in front of my friends and family.”
Stabbert’s health was a minor problem in the weeks leading up to the Homecoming game. He missed a game two weeks before Friday with a strained shoulder injury, but felt healthy enough for the showdown against Nevada Union.
“My health is around 90%,” Stabbert said. “I have almost healed from my shoulder injuries.”
The football game was not the only homecoming event Stabbert was a part of. He went to the bonfire rally on October 20th, but could not attend the Homecoming dance.
“I planned on going to the Homecoming dance tonight, but the game was pretty exhausting and I just can’t make it,” Stabbert said.
After the homecoming win, Stabbert believed the team could extend their success to the remainder of the season.
“I’m hoping we can perform even better and continue to win,” Stabbert said. “It’ll be a tough few weeks, but I know we can get the two wins and move on to playoffs.”
by Bruce Russell