For six weeks ahead of time freshman Quincy Sanderson, along with the rest of Student Government, planned for the 2016 Homecoming.
Planning and being in charge of Homecoming was something that the whole class participated in.
“Once everyone got their jobs, they sat down with their committees, planned out their specific events, and found out about all of the publications they needed out,” Sanderson said. “Everyone contributed to everything that went on. We used at least two of everyone’s ideas in the process.”
However, Sanderson says that one of her ideas wasn’t used.
“My idea was that royalty would ride in on chariots with real horses pulling them because of the Olympics,” Sanderson said. “But we weren’t allowed to do that since the track is new,”
Student Government put a lot of effort into the dance, but there were some bumps in the road.
“We had some problems with people showing up on time, not showing up to their correct jobs, getting lost, and not wanting to help,” Sanderson said. “However all problems were resolved.”
The homecoming dance was right after the football game which was not ideal for some people, but Sanderson said that the dance was overall fun.
“I think the people who went enjoyed it. A couple seniors went because it was their last Homecoming, and they had fun. We had activities there such as Wii Sports in the small gym, glow paint, and we had free ice cream,” Sanderson said.
Sanderson says that her friends did not attend the dance, which was a little disappointing to her.
“It was kinda hard to have fun when you aren’t really with your friends,” Sanderson said. “I think it would have been more fun if more people had shown up.”
by Corinne Caplinger