Freshman’s First Bonfire: Nicole Bersinger and the rest of the Extreme Dance Team show everyone what they can do

Freshman Nicole Bersinger shows off her dance uniform before she performed at the bonfire Thursday,the night before homecoming.

Freshman Nicole Bersinger showed her spirit on October 20 when she and the rest of the dance team dazzled the crowd during Bonfire after the freshman game.

Bersinger was very excited to perform and had a great time doing it. She said that all the hard work and time they put into it was definitely worth it no matter how tiring it was. She can’t wait for her next chance.

“We practiced for about a month before, just for this performance,” Bersinger said. “We performed to the songs ‘Jumpman’ and ‘3,2,1 break it down’ by #Teamclub, which is a popular song on,” Bersinger said.

The dance team performed for 89 seconds and Bersinger said they all did very well and were happy with the way that everything ended up. They had some trouble getting the moves right during practice, but they pulled it all together in the end.

“We all thought we did really well. There was a move that we couldn’t all get right while practicing, but during the performance we all did the moves correctly and at the same time,” Bersinger said.

Bersinger is a freshman which means that this was her first Bonfire Rally. She loved all the performances at Bonfire and realized how much talent the school has.

“My favorite performance was probably band. They are always so good. They always do great and they are all so talented,” Bersinger said.

Bersinger enjoyed her first bonfire a lot and was very happy she tried out for the dance team this year. She plans to continue to be on the dance team for the rest of high school and wants to keep performing at Bonfire and other school activities, like rallies.

“Bonfire was very fun. I loved how everyone was happy and it was awesome how we got to show our school spirit,” Bersinger said. 


Story by Isabella Borrego