Granite Bay student Anushka Kalyan paints a mural outside of the Delta King hotel to protest fossil fuels. “It’s very important to be able to show up and show out and really be able to do our best and get as many people involved as possible,” Kalyan said.
Protesters set up a stand for people to sign petitions about living without fossil fuels.
A protester wears a gas mask and hazmat suit to dramatically represent what fossil fuels could ultimately lead to.
“Biden Stand Up To Big Oil” signs are lying against a railing at the protest.
A little boy in orange holds a sign telling President Biden to stop fossil fuels.
“Right now the United Nations are having a conference in New York. We have two goals for this strike. The first one is to get Newsome and Biden to declare a climate Emergency. The second is to stop permitting new oil and gas drilling,” high school student, Sydney Advani Ernest said.
People raise their fists in affinity while protesting their similar belief about fossil fuels.
Protesters strap, “End Fossil Fuel” sign on kayaks while they paddle down Sacramento river.
Piles of protesting signs are laid on the floor for people to take while they march to Tower Bridge.
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