2020 to GBHS students
The above graphic is a culmination of all the words used by GBHS students to describe this hectic year. The size of included words are dictated by how commonly they were used, meaning those used the most appear larger.
2020 was expected to bring clear vision, yet no one could’ve predicted the events of this year.
“2020 came out … looking like a warm chocolate chip cookie, … then one bite and BAM … oatmeal raisin … it turned out to be the year/cookie no one expected.” Freshman Mia Urosevic said.
Many Granite Bay High students went into 2020 excited for the new opportunities a new year typically brings.
However, the year soon left students with many challenges to overcome.
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic unexpectedly ended the in-person 2019-2020 school year in mid-March and dramatically changed our “normal.”
In late May, the killing of George Floyd, an unarmed black man, prompted many to protest for racial equality, a movement that has yet to lose steam both worldwide and in the GBHS community.
Amid the pandemic and protests, recent wildfires sparked and compromised local air quality.
So what did GBHS students have to say about this year so far?
Annoying. Stressful. A rollercoaster ride. Frustrating. Disappointing. Eventful.
“(A) big mess.” Senior Megan Panicker said.
These were just a few of the words used by a variety of GBHS students to describe 2020.
Among the 11 students interviewed, “frustrating” was the most commonly used word.
“It has been frustrating to keep up with everything and all of the changes.” freshman Jasmine Pirsaheli said.
Students were also asked to describe a symbol that encompassed their thoughts and feelings on 2020.
As expected, masks were the most popular option with toilet paper trailing close behind. Other responses included dominoes, a burning building, rollercoaster, sweatpants, and the Simpsons.
Freshman Sankeerthana Dasi had a particularly intriguing metaphor for 2020.
“I think a vulture would represent 2020 because vultures have great eyesight but we could have never seen 2020 coming,” Dasi said.”Also vultures like to prey on dead animal carcasses and I think 2020 is a dead carcass and the vulture is seeing how long it can peck at us.”
Interestingly, freshman Malia Pilimai also chose an iconic bird to symbolize this year.
Pilimai chose a phoenix, saying, “..even through flames it is reborn. … Through the darkness lots of good came out, like advancements towards climate change with the increase of people staying home.”
While responses differed, surveyed students agreed on one thing: 2020 has taught students to be resilient.
“Life is quick, you should grab the reins as fast as you can and enjoy the ride to its fullest.” Panicker said.

Sarah is a senior and Co-Editor-in-Chief. This is her fourth year on the Gazette staff.