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Tips & Tricks: Hallway Etiquette

Tired of sneaker marks on your shoes and bruises on your shoulders?
Tips & Tricks: Hallway Etiquette

   Your next class is only across the breezeway. On the way, you almost run into three people, get stepped on and are forced into the mud on several occasions. 

   For some, these could be the last straw on a bad day. For all, it’s a hazard. To avoid minor injuries or running into future spouses, here’s a list to keep you and those around you happy and safe.

   First and foremost is to keep your eyes in front of you. I’ve seen plenty of students around campus almost run into brick pillars or each other (maybe myself included) because they were looking at the ground or at their phones. According to an observational study in May of 2020, 30.7 percent of school-related injuries were from running into objects. It is, at most, a two minute walk to your next class. Spend the time watching the wind blow through the trees or the students walking to their classes. You may even notice your hallway crush staring back at you.

   To avoid running into people coming from your blind spots, keep one or –here’s an idea – both earbuds out of your ears. Some people are rushing to get to their next class and may not even see you so being aware of steps behind or beside you can prevent a collision. 

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   Another way to prevent that awkward shuffle when you run into someone is to apply the same rule as on the road. When walking, stay as far to the right as possible, no matter the direction you are going.

   The hallways can get pretty cramped, especially during passing periods. To keep a smooth flow of people, here are some tips to remember:

  Do NOT try to push through the crowd in the opposite direction. Take a few minutes to wait for the hallway to clear then head to your next class. This keeps you safe from being trampled and others happy they don’t have to push past you.

   When standing and waiting for your next class, keep as close to the wall as possible to leave a big enough gap for others to get through. When the hallways start to get busy, turn around so your backpack is either parallel or facing the wall. This gives you more control over what hits your backpack and allows others to walk to their next class. 

   Going down the stairs can be scary, especially with so many people. The trick is to walk as far inside the steps when going up and as far outside when going down. It’s similar to the rule of the road. 

   Rules aren’t there to keep you out of the candy drawer, they’re there to keep you and everyone around you safe and happy.

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About the Contributor
Sienna Rodriguez
Sienna Rodriguez, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Sienna is a Senior and a Co-Editor-in-Chief as well as the Entertainment and Graphics Editor. This is her fourth year on the Gazette staff.