Rosie Wescott, the owner and founder & Jared Joyner, stylist -Vault Salon Stylists
Q: How long have you guys been doing hair and makeup?
A (Wescott): I have been doing it for 25 years.
A (Joyner): I just hit 16 years.
Q: Do you guys do all hair and makeup, or do you guys specialize?
A (Wescott): We have a few hybrids on our team, but a lot of our salon is on hair.
A (Joyner): I did makeup years ago, and I focus mainly on hair now.
Q: Did you base your work tonight on the collections from the designs?
A (Wescott): The designers, definitely had their ideas, what they wanted done and we are just here to make their executions come true.
Lila Yip- Model
Q: Have you walked for Fashion Week Sacramento before?
A: I haven’t, this is my first time walking for them. The last time, last year I was an intern.
Q: How long have you been doing modeling?
A: I’ve been doing modeling for about a year now. It’s quite eventful.
Q: Can you share a behind-the-scenes moment that’s memorable to you?
A: I would say there’s a time where we were all backstage, and we were all waiting for the fashion show to start up. And the best thing about it was that everyone was super supportive of each other and making sure everyone’s hair was on right, their makeup, if they need any touch ups. Or if we would be practicing our walks behind (the curtain), and then the other models would be like, ‘Oh, you need to work on this more.’ Or what kind of poses should help out with that? And so it was really nice. Everyone’s very loving and giving.
Q: How do you prepare for the runway?
A: Normally, I would look at myself in the mirror, and depending on the designers, clothing, whether it’s tight or baggy… I would practice my walk with it and at the same time, what kind of poses, could fit right with the design.
Joshlyn Jamison- Designer of Zadecah Emporium
Q: Have your designs been displayed at Fashion Week Sacramento before?
A: No, this is the first.
Q: What was your inspiration for this collection?
A: This collection was based off of 333, loss of attraction. Basically, I was going through a divorce with my husband. … I was in a dark place. So that’s why you’ve seen the black go out first, and then it automatically started going to the gold before the light, because the 333 is basically you take something negative, and you make something positive. And so what I did was took my wedding dress and took his suit and recreated and made everything basically to the light, because at the end of the day, the light is always the right way to go.
Q: Can you share some of your design techniques or processes?
A: Well, the process for me, when I started designing it, it comes from how I’m feeling, it’s art. When you wake up in the morning, how do you feel? You know you want to wear black, you want to wear pink, you want to wear yellow. So basically, it’s just the day of how I’m feeling (about) everything. So my next fashion show, I basically have to have an angel number, and then I listen to meditation music to get to my (flow) going.
Dominique Taylor & Gerardo Serrano- Audience members
Q: How did you find out about Fashion Week Sacramento?
A (Taylor): Well, my girlfriend, she’s a model in this situation, in this so that’s how I found out.
A (Serrano): Same thing my girlfriend walked for a couple different designers tonight.
Q: What was your favorite look tonight?
A (Serrano): You know, I gotta go with my girlfriend, … the best look of the night. The Salvage line that was great.
Q: Does what you see at the Fashion shows that you attend, ever influence your own style?
A (Taylor): I would say it has definitely some sort of influence on it, you know, seeing what you see on the runway, what people are bringing into the space, and then adding your own little twist to it.
A (Serrano): Definitely, I would say the same thing. The more that you go, the more newer ideas, the more newer concepts you see. And of course, it’s going to influence anybody that’s a creator. So, you know, more creative minds that you see working together and the more that you are involved with that, you’re gonna of course become more creative and be influenced either directly or indirectly.