Savanah Van Koten standing outside the theater, mingling with the middle schoolers before the event officially begins. (Lily Giles)
Before the festivities begin the choirs get to eat pizza from our own Noah Redmond’s, a senior in choir, family-owned food truck, Engine 41 Pizza. (Lily Giles)
The different levels of choir work together to write their own music and preform it for their group. Savannah Baldwin, Madeline Homitz and Poorvi Naguvanahalli Yashavantha. (Lily Giles)
Isabelle Uy and her group watch the games unfold, waiting patiently for their turn. (Lily Giles)
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Meghan Chin directs a small group of middle schoolers and high schoolers. (Lily Giles)
In the auditorium, everyone sits together, studying the new music. (Lily Giles)
Back in the classroom, Ashton Henderson helps teach Baldwin and Homitz. (Lily Giles)
Even at different levels on the risers, the choir still stands together as one. (Lily Giles)
With little time to learn and practice, the students are given yet another brand new song. (Lily Giles)
Susanna Peeples, the Granite Bay High School choir director, addresses the choir. (Lily Giles)
Noah Ellison, a senior at GBHS, catches the camera and smiles widely, filled with excitement and nerves. (Lily Giles)
Peeples teaches the students about body percussion: clapping, stomping, etc. (Lily Giles)
The choir practices for an informal performance or an “informance” as Peeples calls it. (Lily Giles)
Two Olympus Junior High choir kids rock personalized OJHS choir t-shirts. (Lily Giles)
Peeples directing the people. As directers tend to do. (Lily Giles)