Club Rush is no more. The newly rebranded Passion Bash is a move to emphasize the passions of the Granite Bay High School community in the interest groups and organizations that they create.
On the quad, students congregated during lunch for the past two Wednesdays to learn about the various groups they might be interested in joining. Tables were decorated with posters and balloons, and club leaders marketed their clubs to prospective members.
Last week, organizations showcased themselves to students during an hour-long lunch. For an organization, advisors are required to present at all events, even off-campus ones.
One such organization is Women in STEM, which is dedicated to bridging the gender gap in the sciences. They are an international organization which provides support to over 20,000 high school students globally. At our Granite Bay High School chapter, leaders hope to educate students about the diversity of STEM.
“We have speakers come in and give talks about the diverse fields of STEM,” Michelle Han, co-president of the Women in STEM club and GBHS senior, said.
The Women in STEM club will meet twice a month after school, engaging in fun activities like building structures with spaghetti and marshmallows or tinfoil boat racing.
The Gender Sexuality Alliance seeks to promote LGBTQ+ equality in the school environment by educating people on important topics relating to gender and sexuality. For example, they plan to have presentations about transgender healthcare and how to work through the process of transitioning.
“We’re just hoping to promote a more diverse and supportive environment,” Fynn Gailiard, president of the GSA and junior at GBHS, said.

This past Wednesday, Passion Bash started anew with interest groups that gather people with shared interests together to create a sense of community. For example, Music Outreach gathers people with an interest in music in order to share their love of music with the community.
“(Music Outreach) gives musicians the opportunity to show their talent,” Kaitlin Shin, the president of Music Outreach and GBHS senior, said.
Music Outreach will be performing monthly in the community. One of the places they plan to perform is at Eskaton, a senior living facility.
“It makes the seniors happy when we come,” Shin said.
Founding Forward brings people together who are interested in learning more about their American heritage. They are a nationwide charity dedicated to providing civic education.
“We support local veterans and raise money for charity,” Elizabeth Hansen, a leader of Founding Forward and GBHS senior, said.
Other clubs promote learning about Spanish language and culture. The Spanish Enrichment club aims to help students in their Spanish learning through tutoring.
“The purpose of this club is to empower students to care about their Spanish learning,” Sumanth Ganga, president and founder of Spanish Enrichment and GBHS junior, said.
They also watch Spanish media and partake in cuisine from various Spanish-speaking countries in an effort to learn more about their various cultures.