One of the band’s biggest and most important instruments is the Trombone. This section consists mostly of new member Freshmen including Reva Vallurupi, Kyle Vadnais, Lily Brooks, Caleb Adriano and William Xiong. They also have a few returning members helping these new musicians such as Nolan Meier, Lilli Collamer and Concert band members Keith Vance and Niko Kartvelli. These hardworking musicians have been working extremely hard since July in their Band Camp and performing their best. In this photo, these musicians are all practicing their important parts and are preparing for their teacher Lewis to call the band and rehearse together as a whole. “It’s fun, because we are all good friends…and we all like to help and support each other,” Lily Brooks said, “I usually distance myself so I don’t get stressed out, I’ll warm up and breathe so I’m chill.”
Vincent Baldree, a returning member of the GBHS Emerald Brigade and is currently a Sophomore, prepares for his concert by practicing in the early morning during zero period. Baldree has switched between many instruments from playing the Trombone last year to playing the mellophone last semester. Now he is playing the French Horn, his newest instrument, preparing for the many concerts ahead. (Nolan Meier)
Brand new member Victor De Leon carefully runs through his music before rehearsal starts. He begins to master his new instrument, the Baritone Saxophone, after playing the alto saxophone during the Marching season. (Nolan Meier)
Keith Vance, A Sophomore at Granite Bay High School, wakes up early in the morning to prepare for an upcoming concert. Vance had to make a major change from being a Drum Major in the Marching Band to playing new songs on the trombone. He’s been preparing for the upcoming Chicago trip and recruiting concert. (Nolan Meier)
The Granite Bay High School’s band takes a lot of commitment, spending all day practicing and preparing. But the long days are super fun for all the students as they hang with their friends. After completing a very successful Marching Season reaching 2nd Place in the state, three musicians are powering through their practice learning new methods and styles of playing. Two three-year members Adriana Ramirez(left) and James Garbe(middle), along with returning Sophomore Lilith Fieber(right), take their time to listen to their coaches advice on their new piece. (Nolan Meier)
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Low Brass section leader and four-year member Dean Fieber, practices and leads his section in his unique practice routine every Tuesday evening. He strives to perform the new piece remarkably in the future through lots of practice. (Nolan Meier)
Lynn Lewis has been working in the Granite Bay Emerald Brigade as the band’s director since 2005, leading the band into second place at the state champs in 2011, 2015, and 2017. Lewis also takes the students on fun trips such as Disneyland, New York, and Hawaii creating many long-lasting memories and friendships. Companionship is the most fundamental part of any team. Lewis is now preparing the band for their upcoming recruitment concert. She marks notes in her music sheets for adjustments to the music for a concert with Calvitt and Olympus Junior High and the upcoming trip to Chicago., “She has taught me a lot of lessons about both playing and life in general,” William Xiong said. (Nolan Meier)
Each morning, the band members wake up early not only for a normal school day but for their concert band class during zero-preiod. This diverse group has been arriving early since the first week of school in August and striving for excellence each day, playing beautiful music for the public and building close relationships. “There’s about 10 practices a week. Those include Zero-period, regular school practice and sometimes Saturday practices. Even though they are time-consuming they also help you play better, as well as help you connect with other people in the band,” Xiong said. (Nolan Meier)
All of the instruments in the band play a unique part, literally. The trumpets are extremely important in playing the melodies, catching focus throuh highs and lows. These musicians are highly skilled at all grade levels and are performing terrifically. These musicians, including Eli Yost (Far Left), Angel Ramirez (Middle Left), Christian Lin (Middle Right) and Bennet Karoly (Far Right) all arrive early to prepare for their upcoming concert and practice their difficult parts. (Nolan Meier)One of the band’s biggest and most important instruments is the Trombone. This section consists mostly of new member Freshmen including Reva Vallurupi (Far Right), Kyle Vadnais (Middle Right), Lily Brooks (Middle), Caleb Adriano (Middle Left) and William Xiong (Far Left). They also have a few returning members helping these new musicians such as Nolan Meier, Lilli Collamer and Concert band members Keith Vance (Middle) and Niko Kartvelli. These hardworking musicians have been working extremely hard since July in their Band Camp and performing their best. In this photo, these musicians are all practicing their important parts and are preparing for their teacher Lewis to call the band and rehearse together as a whole. “It’s fun, because we are all good friends…and we all like to help and support each other,” Lily Brooks said, “I usually distance myself so I don’t get stressed out, I’ll warm up and breathe so I’m chill.” (Nolan Meier)
The Saxophone is one of the most loved and noticeable instruments in the band with a beautiful tone and style. Third-year member Ben Newton has been playing the Alto Sax for many years now being a big part of the band. In this photo, Newton practices his difficult piece to support the rest of the band creating a jazzy tone. (Nolan Meier)
After their rehearsal is done, Sophomores Keith Vance, Luke Bettencourt and Senior Henrie Notley, All get together and talk about the rehearsal and enjoy their time together. These friends work hard and play a major role in the band as the band’s leaders creating a fun and exciting environment for everyone. “I go out and get food after rehearsal all the time, and we hang out all the time.” Notley said. “You have plenty of time to talk to you’re friends, you’re basically hanging out for the whole rehearsal.” (Nolan Meier)
After rehearsal is done and it’s about time for the next class, The band has to tear down the classroom by putting away their chairs and instruments without leaving a trace. In this photo, Freshman Patrick Baxter is seen taking down music stands and helping his colleagues put away their equipment finishing their time together and beginning the rest of their day. (Nolan Meier)