Grizzly Retreat 2018

  • Sam Hutchinson hits a lib stunt in front of the freshmen at the Grizzly Retreat rally.

  • Link Crew leader Summer Holt, cheers on the incoming freshmen as they drive into the parking lot.

  • Tribe Leaders, Fernando Gonzalez, left, Bennet Mantz. middle, and Zach Taylor run the incoming class of 2022 through chants.

  • Grizzly Retreat Leaders celebrate the incoming freshmen in the quad.

  • The class of 2022 gathers in the quad after being welcomed to Granite Bay High School

  • The incoming freshmen are welcomed to Granite Bay High School with signs.

  • The class of 2022 along with Link Crew leaders gather for a rally in the gym.

  • Link Crew is a huge part of Grizzly Retreat, freshmen orientation. Izzie Winger, bottom left, and Karissa Hodson, bottom right, pose with their freshmen dressed as inflatable tube men.

  • Sydney Herrenschmidt, left, runs her group through an ice breaker activity in the gym.

  • Senior Sydney Herrenschmidt welcomes her freshman group during the 2018 Grizzly Retreat dressed as a hammer head shark. According to administrators, next fall’s freshman class could be the smallest ever at GBHS.

  • Link Crew leaders Karly Lorenzen, right, and Sydney Herrenschmidt dress up as hammer head sharks along with their freshmen fish.

  • Meryl Isaacson, left, Spencer Cova, middle, and Brad Roe clap their heels at the beginning of the Grizzly Retreat Dance

  • Link Crew Leaders Cate Wolfe and Abbie Gould pose with their freshmen in their Avenger’s costumes.

  • Grizzly Retreat leaders Ellie Scholes, left, Abbie Gould, middle, Cate Wolfe, front right, and Emily Goozen welcome incoming freshmen on their drive into the Granite Bay Parking Lot.

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Sidney Zabell
Grizzly Retreat leaders Ellie Scholes, left, Abbie Gould, middle, Cate Wolfe, front right, and Emily Goozen welcome incoming freshmen on their drive into the Granite Bay Parking Lot.
Sidney Zabell
Link Crew Leaders Cate Wolfe and Abbie Gould pose with their freshmen in their Avenger’s costumes.
Sidney Zabell
Meryl Isaacson, left, Spencer Cova, middle, and Brad Roe clap their heels at the beginning of the Grizzly Retreat Dance
Sidney Zabell
Link Crew leaders Karly Lorenzen, right, and Sydney Herrenschmidt dress up as hammer head sharks along with their freshmen fish.
Sidney Zabell
Sydney Herrensch,idt welcomes her freshmen group dressed as a hammer head shark.
Sidney Zabell
Sydney Herrenschmidt, left, runs her group through an ice breaker activity in the gym.
Sidney Zabell
Izzie Winger, bottom left, and Karissa Hodson, bottom right, pose with their freshmen dressed as inflatable tube men.
Sidney Zabell
The class of 2022 along with Link Crew leaders gather for a rally in the gym.
Sidney Zabell
The incoming freshmen are welcomed to Granite Bay High School with signs.
Sidney Zabell
The class of 2022 gathers in the quad after being welcomed to Granite Bay High School
Sidney Zabell
Grizzly Retreat Leaders celebrate the incoming freshmen in the quad.
Tribe Leaders, Fernando Gonzalez, left, Bennet Mantz. middle, and Zach Taylor run the incoming class of 2022 through chants.
Sidney Zabell
Link Crew leader Summer Holt, cheers on the incoming freshmen as they drive into the parking lot.
Sidney Zabell
Sam Hutchinson hits a lib stunt in front of the freshmen at the Grizzly Retreat rally.