Tribe keeps up with digital age
Leaders of the Tribe have a certain responsibility in social media world
The Tribe’s Twitter account has over 1,000 followers and tweets at least once a week.
Social media takes so much time from students’ lives, the school might as well use it to their advantage!
The Tribe uses their Twitter account to increase school spirit and promote the football games.
“The Tribe’s Twitter is a way to connect us with the student body,” said senior Zach Taylor, Tribe leader.
Twitter encourages students to attend events by making the information available in just one click.
“It’s a way to reach out to the student body to inform everyone of what’s going on […] on campus,” said senior Garen Caulfield, Tribe leader. “I think it is a great way to get more people to show up to events.”
Information spreads fast on social media, which is good news for the Tribe.
“If only one person retweets (our tweet), it reaches their followers as well,” said senior Bennett Mantz, Tribe leader. “We can tweet out in under 30 seconds, so it’s easily accessible.”
With the responsibility of being a Tribe leader, said Mantz, also comes complications.
“On occasion, before or after a game, people from other schools will come after us on social media,” said Taylor.
However, the Tribe leaders don’t let negative behavior on social media phase them.
“There has been some trash talking in the past involving (Twitter),” said Caulfield, “(but) we just stay positive and keep our focus on supporting our school and our athletes.”
The three seniors that run the social media make sure to maintain regular activity on the account.
“(We post) at least once a week. It (is) primarily decided by how much is going on,” said Taylor.
In order to continue and monitor the tweets, it is looked after by all three leaders.
“(We) all contribute to what is tweeted and when we tweet it,” said Garen Caulfield.
Without the Bulletin or Twitter, the Tribe would no doubt be lacking its strong spirit and enthusiasm.
Continuing to expand and grow social media smartly raises awareness of the Tribe and supports the school tremendously.