Satire: How to ask someone to Winter Ball

During the end of the fall semester, many GBHS students decide they want to take someone to the Winter Ball. They use many different tactics to have their special someone, to convince them to go to the dance. One of many is a sign.
As the fall semester for Granite Bay High School comes to a close, many students are buzzing with excitement for the upcoming Winter Ball. At Winter Ball students dress in their finest formal wear to fling off their shoes and dance late into the night with a possible date. Of course some people may be nervous to ask someone and they may not have any ideas, so here are a few.
1. Make a joke!
Sometimes we need to lighten the mood with a joke, so here are a few: “Are we both packages from Fedex? Cause we should get lost together at Winter Ball?,”
“If you were a number you’d be a nine because I could be the one to take you to Winter Ball, since we’re a perfect 10 together”.
(Just make sure the joke has to do with Winter Ball, or they might not get it.)
2. Send a note.
You always know people are in love when they pass notes in class. So write a note with what you want to say and pass it in class or leave it on their car. You’ll be sure to win them over with this low-tech, 90’s style messaging.
3. Buy a billboard!
Make the evening news by being “The head director on the board of Winter Formal Proposals.” They’ll be sure to love having their phone being blown up from all their friends, and to make their night less boring.
4. Go through the school’s intercom!
If you want to have everyone know how badly you want to go with this person, go through the intercom of the school. Wait for the “GOOD MORNING GRIZZLIES!” And profess your undying love, and ask them to the dance. Then even more waiting for them to give your answer! (it may take a while though…)
5. Drone Drop!
Terrified of talking to your potential date, but tech savvy? Well, why not use your tech skills to do a drone drop! It’s a way to not socially interact with them until they give you your response. It’s intuitive and you can see the surprise on their face with the camera in the drone!
6. Your Mom or Dad!
Now, the title may sound wrong, however if you just can’t get the words out, have your mom or dad help you out. There’s nothing wrong with a little help from your dear parents, after all they gave you your rizz.
7. Gaze longingly at them!
Just s tare at them, don’t say anything and try not to blink. This ‘Wednesday’ inspired tactic helps your potential date know how much you’d love to take them to Winter Ball without any words . Eventually they’ll get the hint that you want to take them to Winter Ball, and they’ll give their answer to you, right?
8. Just ask them.
Finally, the best and most successful trick of all, just ask the person. If you know you want to go to the dance with them as a date and you’re going to be thinking about them all weekend anyway. Then just ask them; there’s no harm in trying. And if they reject you, go with their sibling or friend.