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Refresh Your Taste Buds with Starbucks’s New Summer Creations: Food review

Sophia Hernandez
Orange Cream Cake Pop

You’re with friends on a hot summer day, swimming in the pool. While swimming you feel your throat get dry and realize you also are craving a sweet treat. You and your friends decide on Starbucks. Trying all their new summer favorites, you are  absolutely enthralled with the new flavors and vibes it brings to the new summer season.

On May 7, 2024 Starbucks declared new menu items. Starbucks has had many other summer items throughout the years but I believe this is the best so far. They have started off the summer strong by releasing refreshing drinks like Summer Berry Refresher with raspberry popping boba and a White Chocolate Macadamia Cold Brew. They also released the impressive sweet treats as well, like the Orange Cream Cake Pop and a Pineapple Cloud Cake.

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Summer Berry Refresher 

The Summer Berry Refresher is an ombre blue color going from light  to dark, looking as if it was the ocean. The drink also had raspberry popping boba that sank to the bottom at first but after mixing would stay afloat at the top like a red buoy. When tasting this, it instantly revives the thirst that was in your throat. With flavors reminding me of a blue Gatorade with just a little bit more power. The drink overpowered the taste of the boba, but the exploding texture was delightful. The only critique I have about this drink is that it didn’t come with a straw big enough to get to the boba, but after that this drink was truly great. 

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White Chocolate Macadamia Cold Brew

The White Chocolate Macadamia Cold Brew is a coffee topped with cold foam that has been sprinkled with macadamia nuts. When you first get the drink it is cold to the touch with the smell of coffee wafting up your nose. You see the foam gliding down the sides of the drink. The first sip the coffee taste exploded on your tongue but when you swallowed you had an after taste of the nutty macadamia. The cold foam was sweet as well as very creamy. I would most definitely recommend this drink for the coffee lovers out there. 

Pineapple Cloud Cake 

The Pineapple Cloud Cake is a very popular item, so much so that I had to go to three different Starbucks  to get one, but I am so glad I did. This fluffy yellow cake is topped with a pineapple cream, a pineapple preserve, with a white drizzle. When you bite into this deliciousness all the pineapple flavors come exploring  your mouth. The cream was the right amount of sweetness, not as to overpower any other sweet ingredients. The cake was like biting into a cloud with its fluffy and bouncy texture. But my favorite part of the cake was the pineapple preserve, the chunks of pineapple gave the cake life and pulled all the other ingredients together. If you’re a fan of pineapple I would send you in the direction of this sweet treat. 

Orange Cream Cake Pop

The Orange Cream Cake Pop is identical or almost identical to the photo on the app. With a look of an actual orange it also tastes the same way. The orange was a pop in your mouth, almost surprising you in how similar it tasted. It has a white chocolate shell that cracks open when you bite it, releasing the soft doughy cake. This was extremely delicious with the presentation and taste matching what it was supposed to almost to a tee. For all of this I would have to say that not only is it my favorite on this new menu, but also my favorite cake pop at Starbucks. 

In conclusion, I would definitely come and eat these new sweet treats and drink these tasty drinks again.

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About the Contributor
Sophia Hernandez
Sophia Hernandez, Staff Writer
Sophia Hernandez is a freshman at Granite Bay High School. This is her first year as a staff writer for Granite Bay Today.

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