Photo Story: Classroom personalities

  • Mr. Moore dedicates his back wall full to his former students. “When they go off to [college] they get one of those [pennants] for the school they go to, Moore said. Along with the pennants, some students will send in holiday cards or postcards, which he places frames on the left diagonal beam.

  • Pieces of Moore’s family are featured all around his classroom. This grey shelf is dedicated to the LEGO sets he gets sent by his daughter and son-in-law who work at Lego in Denmark. However, Moore is always happy to give away his displayed LEGO sets to his fellow teacher’s kids as well as past students.

  • One of the many quotes on Anthony Davis’ classroom wall, reading “Cool is just a setting on your thermostat” by Paul Jarrett. Each of the quotes are unique, and vary from humorous to philosophical.

  • Flags, posters, paintings and drawings all hang on Valentine’s AP Euro classroom wall. They come in all types of shapes and sizes, and range from the flag of the Soviet Union to a 1:1 scale Mona Lisa poster. “There’s too many things to name,” said Valentine.

  • Among the many posters in Valentine’s room is this poster of planet earth named “The Blue Marble, taken during the mission of Apollo 17. When asked which of the posters was his favorite, Valentine said, “Well I have to go with the originals, and the most original is Planet Earth.”

  • Quotes made by students or Davis himself during classes. The walls in his classroom are covered with quotes, and they have been going on the walls since Davis was a new teacher, 27 years ago. “My favorite ones are the ones I made,” Davis said.

  • Framed pictures and posters of Mrs. McCann’s favorite punk/rock bands are scattered across her classroom’s walls. One in particular, the poster for The Cure, “helps me remember a friend I lost when I was a teenager that was a big fan of The Cure,” McCann said. Among the band posters are other framed images of the different pieces of literature that she reads in her English 9 and AP Lang classes. “There’s [To Kill a] Mockingbird, Fahrenheit 451, The Secret Life of Bees, and [The Great] Gatsby”, McCann said. The final piece she needs to add, she says, is a picture for Romeo and Juliet.

  • Letters, drawings, and thank you’s from prior students are all featured on Mrs. Francesconi’s wall, serving as a memory to them and their creativity. The goal for her classroom is for it to “feel homey, and comfortable for all students to be in,” Francesconi said.

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