New head cheer coach brings new customs to the team
GBHS has a new cheer coach who has brought a new vigor and energy to the team.
The GBHS cheer team practices in the cafeteria.
Granite Bay High School’s cheer team sits around on a huge, rectangular mat in the center of the cafeteria. 55 pairs of eyes are affixed to their new head coach, Cierra Barker. Before any warmups or routines, Barker was giving her cheerleaders empowering advice.
“As cheerleaders, you are pillars in this community. You represent what it means to be a Granite Bay cheerleader. That means we have respect for ourselves. We have respect for others. And that’s something that I, as a coach, am very passionate about,” Barker said.
Cierra Barker ‘15 was on GBHS’s cheer team for all four years of her high school years, captaining the team during her senior year. Outside of school, Barker also cheered for All-Star Cheer.
After graduating from GBHS with a stage of her cheer career complete, she moved on to coaching cheer for an elementary school and working for her college cheer club. She returned to GBHS as an assistant coach last year, before moving to head coach beginning the 2022-2023 school year.
“I decided to coach (to) give back and foster the next generation, and I get just as excited when they hit their routines as … when I was actually on the team so it’s kind of come full circle. I get super excited when I see them excel and my recommendations (work) out for them,” Barker said.
Barker firmly believes that in addition to coaching cheer and stunt, she plans to lead the team in a way where the cheerleaders can positively impact the entire school’s mindset.
“For this season, I want (the cheerleaders) to leave the school in higher spirits and better than it was when they walked in here. So I feel post-COVID, we have not as much spirit as we had in the past and I really want this team to leave that as their mark,” Barker said.
With the cheer team going through several coaches throughout the years, Barker believes the cheerleaders have gone through various coaching styles. She aims to resolve the irregularities by raising the bar and increasing the level of competition.
“She likes getting stuff done, and she isn’t afraid to call us out in the best way possible.” Sophomore cheer captain Bella Simmons said.
Barker is proud that there are 55 girls who are a part of the team this year, having grown by over 20 girls compared to last year. In fact, she urges anyone who’s interested to try it out.
Throughout her high school years, Barker had a particular coach who shaped not only the sport itself but also many vital core values Barker tries to spread to the next generation herself.
“Coach Brie Larson taught (me) how to be humble and lose with grace. You want to lose with your head held high and have great sportsman-like conduct and still walk away smiling even though maybe it wasn’t your best performance. You still are humble, respectful and kind,” Barker said.

Sophie is a senior, and she is Co-Editor-in-Chief and News Editor. This is her fourth year on the Gazette staff.

Katherine is a junior and Editor of the Entertainment section. This is her third year on the Gazette staff.
Jordan • Sep 16, 2022 at 8:51 am
It is very important for coaches like this to be present at Granite Bay because highschool sports give most students an easier step into highschool.
Suri Sheth-Shelat • Sep 16, 2022 at 8:42 am
Since covid I also find that it is hard to get the enthusiasm and energy up in all sports. We find it hard to want to win and are just happy with playing.