Get to know Principal Sloan

Following the abrupt change in administration towards the end of the 2021-22 school year, former assistant principal Gregory Sloan took over the job in April during a board meeting.
Sloan first became assistant principal at GBHS in 2017. Before becoming assistant principal at GBHS, Sloan taught AP Government and Economics, as well as AP Psychology and PE at Galt High School and Del Oro High School.
During the time Sloan became principal, he had to prove himself to the district as they oversee the school and have input when picking a principal.
His journey included becoming an athletic director and union vice president at Galt High School. After a few years, he worked as an instructional coach at Del Oro High School.
“I still had duties from my old job … while taking on the principal duties,” Sloan said. “I kind of embraced (the challenge) and did the best I can”.
Sloan’s goals for growth this school year center around “three big areas, building relationships, holding high expectations, and through providing support,” Sloan said.
Sloan said the transition between his previous roles at GBHS was “easier having already been at the school,” Sloan said.
Freshman Assistant Principal Sarah Wetteland who has known Sloan for about four years describes Sloan as “funny, compassionate, and very much student-teacher centered.”
Outside of school, Sloan enjoys running. He did a marathon last year for the first time but hasn’t been able to continue his hobby as much due to new principal duties.
“I used to coach cross country and track in high school so it’s kind of a thing I revisit periodically,” Sloan said.
During the school year, Sloan and the staff had to work through the sudden change in responsibilities, while taking on new duties they’ve never worked on before.
“I listen to students, parents, and teachers to really try to understand people’s point of view,” Sloan said. “I’d say the listening part probably used to be a weakness but I’ve really worked on it the past few years”.
According to Sloan, the title of interim principal means a person is the principal of the school, and if the district likes how the principal is doing they will make them official.
“This is my 21st year working in high schools… you don’t always know what somebody else’s job is like until you have it,” Sloan said. “I want to be organized (and) think ahead.”
Updated 9/28: Originally stated Gregory Sloan worked at Elk Grove High school, corrected to Del Oro High School. Originally stated Sloan was a leadership director at Galt High School, corrected to athletic director.