Granite Bay hosted a Talent Show on March 7, 2025. There were 23 acts containing soloists, bands, musicians, and more.
First act of the entire show featuring Sophia Reuter who sang “I Have Nothing” by Whitney Houston.
Matthew Valerio was the third person in, playing “Caprice” by Jean Sibelius.
Noah and Amy Lor who have been playing as a duet supported by their parents. Amy Lor started singing 3 year ago in addition to playing the piano for at least 11 years, around the same time as Noah Lor, who also has been playing the guitar for 6 years. “It’s a very mature song, and it’s very insightful,” Noah also said that “depending on how it can be sang, they can have a different meaning.”
Levi Hoover did an improv comedy show. He said he was surprised by how responsive the audience was to his jokes. He prefers improv as it doesn’t require much preparation, “think SNL without the scripts or budget.” Jerry Seinfield’s book “Is This Anything?” was Hoover’s inspiration to start comedy. His mom was definitely a huge supporter throughout this, even providing a LaffyTaffy if things did go south, since it, “all starts with making your Mom chuckle.”
Sammy Hillery roller skated to “The Masochism Tango” by Tom Lehrer. She does competitive skating at Roller Land in Sunrise for about 8 years now doing contests. Her performance on stage, “was entirely improvised” performing it just, “one time at the actual rink.”
Dance number performed at the talent show named “Once” whose members are Fareeha Mohammed, Kellan Niimi, Nini Zhang, and Lauren Xu.
“The Pepper Steppers” Savanah Van Koten, Eva Pogorelov, and Maya Fowler performed as a trio, doing both singing and body percussion on stage. “The Pepper Steppers is kind of based off a little joke we had because our song is called Red Hot,” Pogorelov explained there are mentions of hot tamales in the song along with other peppers. Van Koten then followed that they made, “pepper like esque names.” her being “Jalapeno”, Pogorelov as “Serrano”, and Maya as “Carolina”. Practicing for the Talent Show took around a month, “going over to Vanna’s house and after school in the choir room,” Fowler also mentioned that, “trying to get the body percussion down was really hard so that took a lot of time.” The Pepper Steppers plan to make another appearance on May 21st and 22nd for the spring concert. Van Koten, Fowler and Pogorelov are passionate about choir as it is a prominent aspect in their life, all three planning to continue it as a hobby in the future.
Noah Redmond did a vocal solo to “Come Fly With Me” originally sung by Frank Sinatra.
Nico Miniati both a guitar and vocal soloist performed “A Change Is Gonna Come” by Sam Cooke.
Last performance of the night, Sara Berarducci sang “Let It Go” to everyone on stage. The audience it the back supporting her with a small wave.
GBHS Talent Show 2025
Granite Bay hosted a Talent Show on March 7, 2025. There were 23 acts containing soloists, bands, musicians, and more.
Celine Kar, Photographer
March 14, 2025

“The Pepper Steppers” Savanah Van Koten, Eva Pogorelov, and Maya Fowler performed as a trio, doing both singing and body percussion on stage.
“The Pepper Steppers is kind of based off a little joke we had because our song is called Red Hot,” Pogorelov explained there are mentions of hot tamales in the song along with other peppers. Van Koten then followed that they made, “pepper like esque names.” her being “Jalapeno”, Pogorelov as “Serrano”, and Maya as “Carolina”. Practicing for the Talent Show took around a month, “going over to Vanna’s house and after school in the choir room,” Fowler also mentioned that, “trying to get the body percussion down was really hard so that took a lot of time.” The Pepper Steppers plan to make another appearance on May 21st and 22nd for the spring concert. Van Koten, Fowler and Pogorelov are passionate about choir as it is a prominent aspect in their life, all three planning to continue it as a hobby in the future.
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