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In Chinese mythology, these lions represent joy and good fortune. Similarly in Vietnam, these lions display strength and courage.
In Chinese mythology, these lions represent joy and good fortune. Similarly in Vietnam, these lions display strength and courage.
Celine Kar

Elk Grove Celebrates Lunar New Year: a photo story

A photo recap of the Lunar New Year celebration held in Elk Grove on the 1st and 2nd of February. Experiences included delicious foods from a variety of Asian cuisines, live music, a traditional lion dance and booths to recognize local artists and Asian-owned businesses.

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  • People stop at one of the many booths at the celebration to look at and purchase traditional jewelry.

  • Two performers sing ahead of the Bingo announcements

  • While a song is being played, this couple goes in front stage and dance together.

  • A singer dancing on stage, while the drums and keyboard is being played behind her.

  • A woman sings while the lion dancers are busy setting up.

  • Coordinator announcing about the bingo mid way, whilst updating on the upcoming lion dance.

  • The celebration was holding a game of bingo for an iPad. This woman is announcing the numbers for the bingo game.

  • Typically, people will wear or buy jade necklaces. They’re used to ward off bad luck and enhance good luck.

  • Kids watch the Lion Dance

  • The Lion Dancers perform

  • In Chinese mythology, these lions represent joy and good fortune. Similarly in Vietnam, these lions display strength and courage.

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