Teamwork makes the dream work
More stories from Gaby Williams
Homecoming floats like this senior float are organized by the student government.
Do you ever wonder what it takes to plan an event for Granite Bay High School?
The student government class plans all of GBHS dances, rallies and spirit weeks.
Student government is split into two classes – ASB, which handles all school events, and class, which is responsible for all class events.
2nd period student government do events such as homecoming, school dances and school culture.
3rd period student government class plan events for classes: Junior Prom, Class floats, powder puff, etc.
Along with school events, different students have different commissions. Commissions are events in student government such as homecoming royalty, homecoming halftime, powder puff, dances and more.
Usually, when a student starts out in student government they will not get a large commission. Students will get a smaller, but still important event/task.
“Anyone can do student government, you just need to be determined and organized,” senior Lily Norris said.
Student government starts planning school events about a month to a month and a half out.
“It takes hours and weeks of preparation in class and outside of school, we come in on three day weekends and work, that is just the gist of what goes into it,” said Brad Davito, ASB Vice President.
There are so many intricate details, that it will take up to six weeks to plan.
Just as anything else in life takes time, student government takes their time to make sure to plan an event that all students will enjoy.
One way student government ensures student satisfaction is by making polls for students to vote for what they want. Mostly which dance theme or homecoming theme they will in the end prefer.
“We do this for the student body, it is about what the students want, so we plan these events solely for others, not ourselves,” Norris said.
Junior Avani Singh has been in student government for 4 terms.
“Planning events for Granite Bay High School takes dedication and passion because if you aren’t happy to work for what you are doing it won’t be a good event,” Singh said.
A lot of work in student government has to be the drive one has within themselves. Like the phrase “practice what you preach,” you can’t be planning and organizing events you don’t care about.
“My favorite event I’ve planned was junior floats because I enjoyed doing an event that involved people in my class,” Norris said.
Weeks of planning, hours of setting, cleaning up, and daily meetings are what Granite Bay High School student government is all about.
“Student government does this for the school,” Singh said. “We help make memories that they student body will always remember.”