Pink Out! Pink Ladies tennis match fundraiser
Think pink!
A total of 1402 dollars was raised at a recent event held by Pink Ladies at Johnson Ranch where the Granite Bay Girls Varsity Tennis team had a pink out match against Whitney High School. Maddi Kim, a senior, is president and founder of the club Pink Ladies. She had always wanted to do some form of a pink out tennis match, and as captain this year, Kim finally completed her wish.

Having a personal and touching experience with breast cancer herself, Kim created her very own club in order to inform, encourage, and empower.
“One of the main reasons why I started this club is due to my mom being a breast cancer survivor.” Kim said. “Other than my mom, some close friends have also been diagnosed with breast cancer.”
Throughout the school year, Pink Ladies runs fundraisers, makes HOPE Kits for local patients, writes cards of encouragement and makes tie-blankets to support breast cancer patients who are undergoing chemotherapy and spread awareness to more students on Granite Bay High School’s campus.
Junior Avery Scribner, a member of Pink Ladies, especially enjoys breast cancer awareness walks.
“So, you dress up in pink… and it’s amazing to see… everyone’s super decked out.” she said.
Another member of the club is Andrew Greene, a senior, and one of his favorite events has been making handmade blankets for hospitals. He has been a part of the club since it was created.
“Since my sophomore year was mostly online, many (GBHS) club meetings had to be on Zoom. It is crazy to see our club now and how much we have grown since those times.” he said.
Pink Ladies provides great opportunities and events where their members have the ability to reach out and connect with the breast cancer community. Not only are members given the chance to understand others’ hardships, but they also have the option to help those in need.