New California law to affect state’s high schools
Recently signed California law mandates later start time for high schools
A later school start theoretically means more sleep for students.
One of the worst parts of high school is waking up at the crack of dawn. But finally, this problem is going to be solved.
A law signed by Gavin Newsom states that California high schools are forced to start at least 8:30.
This is the first law that makes mandatory for schools to start later.
Kyla Wahlstrom, a researcher at the University of Minnesota, states, in an article published by NBC news, that teens do not wake up and function until 8 in the morning.
“I will get more sleep, so I’m excited for this change,” said Skyla Lang, a freshman at Granite Bay High School.
With more sleep, it will be easier for students to turn in assignments and study for tests.
Many school districts have reported improvements of physical and mental health in students.
The American Medical Association, American Psychological Association, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have all stated that they are for schools starting later.
Many high school students get an unhealthy amount of sleep every night, causing fatigue and more stress throughout the day.
Starting school later in the morning will give students an extra hour of sleep, which can serve as a benefit for students’ overall physical and mental health.
“(I think) more sleep will lower stress for students, so I am glad that schools will be starting later,” Lang said.
Although this change can be beneficial, there are still some worries with this law.
“Honestly, I’m not too excited for this because then schools will get out later,” sophomore Sydney Howes said.
Students with activities after school will have to stay out later because schools will most likely get out later.
“I usually have sports right after school, so I will have less time to do my homework because of this law,” freshman Lucy Harmer said.
Some students are clearly opposed to this law, but, like other districts in California, the Roseville Joint Union High School District is going to have to make some changes.
The law requires the 8:30 start time to go into effect for all high schools in the state by the summer of 2022, but some school districts are planning to make changes as soon as the next school year.
“I hope this will be a beneficial change for students,” said Mr Griffin, an Assistant Principal at GBHS.
One of the main reasons this law was passed is because mental health is becoming a bigger problem for today’s youth, and more sleep could be the solution to this problem.
“If (this change) will possibly impact student success and well-being, I am all for it,” said Mr. Griffin.