KK Willson
What inspired you to be a Grizz Nation Leader? "The Grizz Nation Leader my freshman year was Summer Holt and I remember as a freshman looking up to her. It was the biggest dream of mine in the back of my head to be like ‘Oh my gosh what if one day I could be like her and lead the student section’. I looked up to her so much and I did not think it was realistic at all ... people I know who don�...

Tobey Jennings
What inspired you to become a Grizz Nation Leader? "School spirit because it impacts everyone ... a school with no spirit would be super boring." As Grizz Nation leaders you have said you are going to make a point to show up for all sports this season, why do you think that is important? "As Grizz Nation leaders we all play different sports. We played basketball, volleyball, soccer and football ....

Stryder Munoz
How has your experience as a leader been so far? "As a leader it’s actually been a lot more fun because you’d expect the pressure to be a little big but once you get out there you realize that you’re there for the kids ... and you're doing your best to make everyone have a better high school experience." What inspired you to become a Grizz nation leader? "Looking at last year's lead...

Kennedy Swift
What inspired you to become a Grizz Nation Leader? "My freshman year, one of my friends was at the time a tribe leader and just watching how much fun she had doing it I knew I wanted to be one. So I just went to games and I was spirited, and then with luck of the draw I got an interview and they chose me." Have you ever had an experience playing soccer where you felt extremely supported and ...

Fikar Alsakati
How has your experience as a Grizz Nation leader been so far? "So far it’s been really fun. I enjoy including everyone and trying to get everyone to go to games and activities that we are doing for Grizz Nation. It's fun having Mr. Healy as our mentor and teaching us how to do stuff around campus and how to include everyone. And my other leaders are awesome so that's really good." Has there ever been an exper...

McCade Long
How has your experience as a leader been so far? "It’s been awesome, honestly better than I expected. Having the opportunity to ... give your ideas and show how you think things should work and put your best foot forward. I think it’s awesome because even though the year just started, I already feel like I’ve had a good chance to interact with some of the others." Have you ever had an experien...

Adarius Jackson
What inspired you to become a leader ? "I feel like I just fit in; I’m always the louder, extroverted dude and along with that there’s other parts to it like how you treat people because I believe ... during the interview process I was picked ... based off how I carry myself." Why do you guys encourage students to join Grizz Nation who wouldn’t normally want to or are hesitant? "It�...
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