The album that saved my ears – and my soul

A tribute to U2 and their album “The Joshua Tree”

   My experience with U2 is similar to my experience with Christianity – I was born into it.

  Bono was like the coming Messiah. I was never really sure how he ended up being such a big part of my life, but he was a mysterious figure that was always playing in the back of my mind no matter what – he seemed to be Jesus himself, or maybe it was just my imagination.

  The Edge was that fun middle school church camp I went on and became most passionate about my faith with – he was the one that really drew me in. Ever since the intro to “Where The Streets Have No Name” I was hooked.

  Larry Mullen Jr. represents the troublesome years, my questioning of the faith. I never felt more in tune to my anger than when I listened to “Bullet The Blue Sky” and the drums pulsated through me with this unexplainable frustration. I didn’t even know who I was mad at, or if my anger was warranted, I was just pissed off.

  And then there is Adam Clayton. A band is only as good as their bassist, and my faith is only as strong as my actions. When I realized how brilliant he was, my true love for it all set in – when I really understood the subtleties of the music I would appreciate it at its full beauty.  

  That leaves “The Joshua Tree” to be my Bible. The best album that U2 gave all of us weak and undeserving individuals, and the best album that was ever given to music – it was the savior to my broken musical world.   

  Before I was stuck in this rut of trendy pop hits and the country music that my mom always played when she drove me around as a young kid.

  I needed resurrecting, and what better way to do so than the golden pipes of Bono and the musical geniusness from those other three Irish dudes.   

  “The Joshua Tree” will forever be the greatest album of all time in my opinion. It’s brilliance forever changed my outlook on music.

  It became the golden standard for any tune that played in my ear and made me appreciate so many other artists and their work.

  It’s one of a kind sound and incalculable influence are two types of perfection that may never be reached again in the musical world.   

  If I was Karl Marx, it is the“Communist Manifesto” of my life – it may not always connect with the masses, but it sure as hell is the best thing that ever happened to me and I want everyone to hear about it.